He Says, She Says… When Dreams Do NOT Come True

Hello, Dear Reader:

A desire arose within Marcia four weeks ago. An ad appeared in the employment section of the local newspaper requesting applications for a position Marcia had both the skill and the passion to tackle. She felt it a perfect job fit and a truly outstanding role. Thoughts of moving into this role had her excited! The added advantage of a more remunerative wage than her current position offered, plus medical benefits and other perks had her submitting her revised resume with a very wisely worded, professional cover letter.

She got an interview. In fact, she was the first to be interviewed by a 3-person panel. It went outstandingly well. Marcia felt she set the bar high for all other candidates being considered. As she had been taught and because it felt right, she then sent an e-mail to all 3 interviewers the day after the interview to thank them for their time, their expressed interest and the pleasure and privilege it was for her to have shared with them and learned from them during the process.

Due to a large number of qualified candidates and a week’s unavoidable absence by one of the interviewers, there was a two week wait to hear the results. By the  Thursday of the second week, Marcia thought (at Mike’s wise suggestion) to send a  “Thanks for taking the time to interview me, I’m still interested …” e-mail to each of the 3 interviewers. She was in the midst of composing this e-mail when the telephone rang. Continue Reading →

He Says/ She Says … More than Enough

Hello Dear Ones!

Today’s topic came clearly and emphatically to both Mike and I this week. What each of us thought (independently of each other) to be a challenging belief, turned out to be a symptom or mask of an actual core belief. See if this resonates with you:

You are doing everything you sense is wise. You are living your true self.  You trust and follow through on your instincts and inspirations. You know that things should be moving along swimmingly and yet are finding things not flowing easily or synchronistically. In the short term, you try to let this go, finding ways to rationalize the discrepancy. However, as it continues over the longer term you begin to question what is occurring.  Something is not right. You look around for the source of the dichotomy between what you know should be unfolding and what is failing to appear, to manifest.

Over time, you begin to question your own role in the less-than-ideal outcomes. You start to doubt your instincts, insights and wisdom. You may get angry – at yourself, at situations or at the Divine … depending upon where you may be at that moment within your inner growth. You recognize this as the problem or challenge you need to overcome and  you are ready and willing to tackle it.

Sound familiar? Continue Reading →

He Says, She Says… ‘Insights’ from the Celestine Prophecy

Hello, Dear Reader:

When James Redfield’s book ‘The Celestine Prophecy‘ came out in in the early 1990s, we bought two copies of it and read them avidly.  The ideas contained within the book added nicely to the stores of knowledge we already had.  Time went by like it always does, and over the years the ‘insights’ from that book were overlaid and integrated with that received from other sources.  We heard a few years ago that a movie had been made from the book, but we never saw it.

A week ago we were at the local library getting some children’s books for visiting family and we came across the DVD version of the movie ‘by chance’.  Intrigued, we checked it out and took it home to watch it.  The movie matched the book fairly well (at least in our memories), but coming across those ideas again sparked new thoughts for both of us.  So, without further ado we thought we’d make this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post, “‘Insights’ from the Celestine Prophecy“.


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View