It’s Our Birthday!!


Hi Folks:

It’s our Birthday!  Actually, technically our blog’s birthday was yesterday, but yesterday was also the Christmas Tree Lighting and Santa Claus Parade downtown and one should never pass up the chance for free hot chocolate.  It’s important to set priorities… 🙂

We’re now four years old, and WordPress tells us we have (cue drum roll)… 404 blog posts and 137 pages to read.  Wow.  But enough about us!  Today we want to give thanks for you, our readers.  Thank you for your visits, your referrals, your comments, and most of all, thanks for continuing to drop by and visit our little corner of the ‘net!  You are much appreciated!!

Marcia and Mike.

P.S. And thanks to our grandsons (and their mom) for the use of their birthday banner.  You totally rocked it!!

He Says, She Says… Giving Thanks

Hello, Dear Reader!

This past weekend was ‘Thanksgiving’ here in Canada; it’s really no surprise that Thanksgiving comes in the fall because this is when the earth is most fully offering up her bounty.  Here on the west coast this can mean everything from an abundant vegetable harvest to wineries starting up production to the salmon returning to their birth streams to spawn a new generation.

For many people the Thanksgiving holiday is associated with family get-togethers, a huge dinner and too many turkey leftovers.  That can certainly be a part of it, although our Thanksgiving this year involved dinner out at a Japanese-fusion restaurant on Saturday night, and a wonderful meal of blackened fish and root vegetables on Monday.  The turkeys were safe from us this year, although we can’t really think of turkey dinner without remembering Stuart McLean’s stories on the Vinyl Café about ‘Dave Cooks the Turkey‘, followed by ‘Dave Raises the Turkey‘. Continue Reading →