Small Stones

Hi Folks:

Friday November 1 was Mindful Writing Day according to the people at Writing Our Way Home and it was also our introduction to a form of writing known as small stones.  From the site,  “A small stone is a short piece of writing that precisely captures a fully-engaged moment.”  As photographers, our photographs for the most part are momentary vignettes, small slices of time or experience captured in an image and this style of writing attempts the same only with words.  Some styles of poetry – micropoetry or haiku for example can use this approach, but they need not do so and small stones need not be written in poetic style.  Some excellent examples of small stones can be found on the blogzine a handful of stones.  As for us, we’re still learning this style and so it may be that some of our stones need some polishing, but we’re having fun with it so far.  Here are a few examples from us:


moon roof opens
plump fingers slide into view
as the son rises
blond haired toddler
the light of their lives.

last breath of scent
in blossom full
as leaves release their lives
to flash their own glory
one last time

Autumn leaves masked her path. Rain pelted down as peacocks preened under cover of the gazebo.


The soft gentle curve
of her body
as it folds into mine…

Sweet scent of her hair
and the quiet even rhythm
of her breath in sleep…

The best place in the whole world.

Under the gazebo a woman in a bright red raincoat chats on the phone while three peacocks stand by, patiently waiting their turns.

The Great Blue Heron on the pier sits and watches the couple who stare past and do not see … while the harbour seal laughs a silent laugh.

If you’ve written some small stones or other prose/poetry we’d love to read them!  Leave us a note in the comments below.
