He Says, She Says… The Masks We Wear

Hello, Dear Reader:

Well, today is Hallowe’en, in this part of the world at least.  For children and adults alike it’s an opportunity to dress up in costume, to put on a mask and to go out ‘trick or treating’.  It can be fun or frightening, or maybe a little of both.  We decorate our houses and our schools and our businesses in ways that either venerate or mock those departed, ghosts, witches and the like, and it gives us an opportunity to participate – individually and en masse – in our own ‘inversion’ rituals‘.  That covers one day of the year, but what about the other 364?  What about the masks we show ourselves and each other throughout the rest of the year?

For this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post we discuss “The Masks We Wear“.


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

Marcia’s Meanderings – Enthusiasm

For those looking for the link to Timmy’s Anthem… click here!

Hello Dear Ones!

Today I am short on time and long on enthusiasm. With fabulous dinner guests arriving in a mere few hours, I still wanted to take the time to write a little something for those of you who so faithfully check this post. (Thank you to you all for doing so!)

My enthusiasm, in addition to being focused on my soon-to-be arriving company, is my pride and delight at the music my brother Brad Nelson wrote recently – and sang, with his son Robert, at a sold out concert – Folk Night at the Registry this past Saturday, January 30th, 2010 in Kitchener, Ontario. The song is a spoof, a ‘roast’, an honouring of the coffee shops of Tim Horton’s. Someone wisely video recorded their toe tapping, hand clapping, chorus joining, audience approved performance. Someone – likely that same someone – put the video on You-Tube. I saw it last night for the first time. I watched and laughed and cried with joy.

To take you back a few years – well, many years, if truth be told – my brother at the age of 10 taught himself to play the guitar. I, at the age of 14 then, loved to sing. So did he. We started to entertain audiences around our small community. Not certain if I recall the specifics, but I think our first show was at a local high school – probably mine! We were quite the hit and started getting invitations to clubs and events in town. Brad and I and our band were even blessed with the amazing and dynamic experience of being the warmup group for The Four Seasons when they came to our small town! Songs from the Beatles, Simon & Garfunkle, and Peter, Paul & Mary were part of our repertoire. My favourite, and the song that took me from the backdrop of harmonizing with my brother to standing at the front and belting out a tune, was The House of the Rising Sun. Love it to this day!

And so, to now see my brother on stage, with his son accompanying him so wonderfully … well, you can imagine how full is my heart … to the point of overflowing with love and pride!

Please, check them out: http://www.youtube.com/nelsonfolk Turn your volume up. Be prepared to laugh and to sing along to the Timmy’s Anthem ….

If you enjoy it as much as I, please feel free to share it with your friends and family. This video went from a mere 8 hits when I first saw it last evening to now over 245 hits in only 1 day. Let’s help this go viral!!!!!

In Light and Laughter,
