New Day, New Year, New Beginnings…

This is a 16x9 image of the Japanese Garden at Butchart Gardens, one of Victoria's famous highlights. In the center of the frame is a red lacquer and black bridge, crossing over a small stream. The bridge is mostly surrounded by greenery from mosses to trees, but there are a few picturesque boulders and in the foreground is some raked gravel.

Crossing the Bridge
Japanese Garden, Butchart Gardens, Victoria, BC

Hi Folks:

We first posted this for New Year’s Day, 2013 but it seems appropriate to share again. To start the year off right, consider these words from Howard W. Hunter:

“This year, mend a quarrel.
Seek out a forgotten friend.
Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.
Write a letter.
Give a soft answer.
Encourage youth.
Manifest your loyalty in word and deed.
Keep a promise.
Forgo a grudge.
Forgive an enemy.
Try to understand.
Examine your demands on others.
Think first of someone else.
Be kind.
Be gentle.
Laugh a little more.
Express your gratitude.
Welcome a stranger.
Gladden the heart of a child.
Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth.
Speak your love and then speak it again.”

Have an amazing day and an incredible year!! As Marcia says, may 2024 be gentle with us all.


P.S. This is a message we can all send to each other: Israel and Iran: A love story?

The names and faces have changed in the past ten years, but love remains. If you know of anyone who would like to revive this, please pass it along. And if you want to create your own Free Hugs posters, we’ll happily share our template.

New Day, New Year, New Beginnings

Time Moves Differently for the Ocean and the Shore

Time Moves Differently for the Ocean and the Shore

Hi Folks:

Well, for all of those who follow the Gregorian calendar, we’re now firmly ensconced in 2022. In some ways we’re in a boat that has left the pier and – even though it may be in reach, we know there’s no going back – only onward. Given the local, national and global events of 2020 and 2021, 2022 has a lot to live up to with regard to its older siblings. For some that becomes represented as hope, for others, despair. On this 4th day of January there are some who have already abandoned their New Year’s resolutions, and some who declined (resolutely) to state them in the first place. That’s understandable; a year is, after all, a lot to take in with one bite. We do better looking back, each from our own perspective, on what went right, wrong, and what might have been done better. But looking forward to the remaining 361 days on this calendar can be daunting. Our suggestion then is not to do so.

Don’t misunderstand. Big dreams are important, and plans that take time to unfold will continue to do so, but so often we have enough to do to get through today. Just today. This doesn’t mean we should ignore tomorrow or the remainder of the year, but in trying to carry all of that responsibility at once we force ourselves to turn away from what’s facing us right here, right now. So, just for a moment, stop. You may not be able to hold it for long, even a few seconds, but that’s a start, Now, in those few seconds or moments, push the rest of the year away and create around yourself a little circle of now. Quiet the hundred thousand thoughts, feelings and voices crowding into your mind and allow yourself one moment of clarity. Yes, the rest of the world is still out there. It’s not going away, but turn your attention to what you’re focusing on right now. There it is. It may be joyful or sad, it may be urgent or seem to be, and one part of your mind is telling you that you have a hundred thousand other voices all clamoring for your attention and you don’t have time to devote to this moment. But you do. You’ve done it, and you can do it again whenever you want to do so. In fact, it’s much better for you (and the rest of the world) to push back the jumble of your life even for a moment and see what’s right here, right now. Even if you’re multitasking, even if you’re juggling ten different things for ten different people, each of them is being queued in some sort of sequence. We owe it to ourselves to approach our day that way and the rest of the world will in return receive the best we have to offer.

We  are all multi-dimensional beings, playing multiple roles in each others’ lives. This is explained much more eloquently by our friend Gary in his blog post, “Many Sides of One“. Here’s an excerpt, but we’d suggest you follow the link to read the entire post:

“…I have failed or come up short in many of these things and I have also been blessed with a measure of success and joy. In all of them I have learned more about what works and what doesn’t.

I believe we have the capacity to change the world and help make it safer, saner, healthier, kinder and more peaceful. We are the sum total of all our parts and “every decision we have made has brought us to where we are.” (SAR)

This is a look back for a review which I do at the end of a day, a week, a month or a year. I put it away and look forward to the next day, one day at a time. I try to make the most and best of each day and live in the present. I make plans for the future in case there is one. I have written four books and have three others in process at different stages.

I meditate, walk, think, wonder, contemplate, talk, write, eat, drink and check in with others as we celebrate life as a blessing and a gift. An old year is ending, a new one beckons. Grace is revealed in gratitude.”

Each of us, like Gary, have lived unique and interesting lives. My experiences are not yours, and that is what makes you unique and special. Never doubt that you are. The rest of 2022 will unfold as it does. Tomorrow will be here soon enough, and when it arrives, it too will be faced as now. Take a mental step back and allow yourself a moment to face this moment, this day as it comes. Accept its trials and successes, its joys and laments and use those experiences to add to who you are. Be kind and recognize that the person next to you is facing their own trials, reveling in their own joys. Know you are loved, just because you’re you. We wish you peace.


“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ~  L.M. Montgomery

For Auld Lang Syne

Hi Folks: This is a re-post of one from six years ago. Unfortunately Google+ no longer exists, but we’ve left the link as it’s the only one we have to the original reference. May 2020 bring you all that you intend!!


Hi Folks:

Many have heard at least the beginnings of the song ‘For Auld Lang Syne’, but not as many are familiar with the words or their meaning. We came across this ‘wee translation’ from Dolidh Young on Google+ and wanted to share it with you. Her post is here: Continue Reading →

Happy New Year!

Hi Folks:

Today is the first day of 2015. We posted this quote from Howard W. Hunter on our blog a couple of years ago, but it’s worth sending out again.

“This year, mend a quarrel.
Seek out a forgotten friend.
Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.
Write a letter.
Give a soft answer.
Encourage youth.
Manifest your loyalty in word and deed.
Keep a promise.
Forgo a grudge.
Forgigve an enemy.
Try to understand.
Examine your demands on others.
Think first of someone else.
Be kind.
Be gentle.
Laugh a little more.
Express your gratitude.
Welcome a stranger.
Gladden the heart of a child.
Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth.
Speak your love and then speak it again.”

Have an amazing day and an incredible year!!


For Auld Lang Syne – Happy New Year!!

Hi Folks:

Many have heard at least the beginnings of the song ‘For Auld Lang Syne’, but not as many are familiar with the words or their meaning.  We came across this ‘wee translation’ from Dolidh Young on Google+ and wanted to share it with you.  Her post is here:

For Auld Lang Syne

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, Should people we used to know be forgotten
and never brought to mind ? And never brought up again
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, Should people we used to know be forgotten
and auld lang syne? For the old long past


For auld lang syne, my jo (or my dear), (Toasting) For the old long past, my joy
for auld lang syne, For old long past
we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet, We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
for auld lang syne. For old long past

And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp ! And surely you’ll pay for your drink
and surely I’ll be mine ! And surely I’ll pay mine
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet, We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
for auld lang syne. For old long past


We twa hae run about the braes, We two have run around the hills
and pu’d the gowans fine ; And pulled wild daisies fine
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary fit, But we’ve wandered many a weary foot (as in distance)
sin auld lang syne. Since old long times


We twa hae paidl’d i’ the burn, We two have paddled in the stream
frae morning sun till dine ; From morning until dinner
But seas between us braid hae roar’d But seas between us broad and roared
sin auld lang syne. Since old long times


And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere ! And here’s a hand my trusty friend
and gie’s a hand o’ thine ! And give me a hand of yours
And we’ll tak a right gude-willy waught, We’ll take a right good toasting drink
for auld lang syne. For old long past


From both of us to you and all those close to you, may the New Year bring you all the joy, peace, adventure, love and excitement you can handle!!


Happy New Year!!

Hi Folks:

Today is the first day of 2013. To start the year off right, we wanted to share this quote with you from Howard W. Hunter:

“This year, mend a quarrel.
Seek out a forgotten friend.
Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.
Write a letter.
Give a soft answer.
Encourage youth.
Manifest your loyalty in word and deed.
Keep a promise.
Forgo a grudge.
Forgive an enemy.
Try to understand.
Examine your demands on others.
Think first of someone else.
Be kind.
Be gentle.
Laugh a little more.
Express your gratitude.
Welcome a stranger.
Gladden the heart of a child.
Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth.
Speak your love and then speak it again.”

Have an amazing day and an incredible year!!


P.S. This is a message we can all send to each other: Israel and Iran: A love story?

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays, Everyone! There are a lot of different celebrations this time of year, but they all share the same general ideas… so whether you prefer Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saturnalia, Solstice or something more personal (the Muslim celebration of Eid al-Fitr is on a different, lunar calendar), we wanted to wish you a safe and happy Holiday Season and a New Year filled with as much love, joy, peace, adventure, contentment, prosperity and excitement as you can handle!

As a gift, we’d love to share this with you: TEDxSF – Louie Schwartzberg – Gratitude

Thanks so much for dropping by our little corner of the ‘net!


(P.S.  Thanks to John for the idea for the image at the top!)

Being Green in 2011

Hi Folks:

Friday once again, and time for this week’s ‘Being Green‘ post.  In the links below you’ll find several posts from people talking about the best ‘green’ topics of 2010 and predictions for the green future of 2011, so I won’t repeat them all here.  I will say that 2010 brought a number of wonderful new technologies and ideas, several insightful conferences, and is further proof that we as humans have the capacity to make our world better.  As to what 2011 will bring?  Personally I’m going to adopt a ‘wait and see’ attitude, but I am looking forward with anticipation to more new ideas, new technologies and new projects that will bring us, both individually and collectively into a ‘greener’ future!  This being my first ‘Being Green’ post of 2011, I should probably reiterate what you can expect to find on this section of our blog.  On Fridays (almost always!) I write a short post on a topic related to green living in some capacity – this started out as a section devoted to green building specifically, but has expanded to include issues of sustainability in a larger context, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and other topics related to living in harmony with this little blue marble of ours.  For the most part I write about solutions rather than problems, and I tend to focus on positive innovations rather than negative news as the latter is well covered elsewhere.  I don’t generally profile specific products or services unless I think they’re really innovative, but there are few hard and fast rules here!  I also add a list of links to other sites of interest that I’ve come across in the previous week.  Most of these come from links I’ve encountered through Twitter, and some come from e-newsletters I receive.  I trust you will find some benefit in what you read here, and invite you to leave a comment on anything ‘green’ you’ve encountered, sites you think others would like to know about, etc. Continue Reading →

He Says, She Says…

We have been thoroughly enjoying the process and unfolding of this blog site these past two months of 2009.  And so, with great excitement, we are looking forward to the growth, the potential and the inspirational development of ourselves (both individually and as a couple) as well as that of our blog site through 2010. It will be fun to have you journey along with us!

With that in mind, we thought we’d share our thoughts on the ‘New Year

Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View