An Introduction to Capture One

Hi folks; Mike here:

Since the pandemic effectively shut down the world, the people at suggested that people hold all meetups virtually. It’s a little ironic considering the foundations of, but it is what it is. We care for each other. Also ironic is that for a person who doesn’t do cameras (the day Marcia and I were married there were so many cameras it looked like a paparazzi event) I’ve begun to put myself up on YouTube to share a bit of information with the members of the Victoria Photography Meetup Group. Since the videos are out in the wild anyway, we thought maybe we should put them up here as well. This is the first of the four; we’ll add the others in a somewhat timely manner. Although I still have and occasionally use Lightroom 6.14, for my Sony A7RIII files I’ve jumped completely to using Capture One 20 for my Digital asset management, raw conversion, etc.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post a comment below.


P.S. You can find the rest of our tutorial posts here. We’re closing in on a hundred now, I think.