Being Green – The Future of Education

Hi Folks:

Saturday once again, and time for this week’s ‘Being Green‘ post.  It’s usually posted on Fridays, but not always… 😉

Anyway, while my blog posts are, by definition, my thoughts and ideas, this week I’m going to dust off the old soap box on a topic that I think is very important: education.  In this society we have a somewhat limited and very rigid view of what ‘education’ means; if you ask them, I believe most people would likely give an answer related to schools, classrooms and the like.  Personally, I invested some 18 years of my life in various classrooms… and then they had the nerve to tell me I had to go to high school!  I told them to forget it.  Continue Reading →

Poetry Corner – Harry Chapin

Hello Dear Ones!

My poet choice for this week is one of my favourite singer/songwriters – Harry Chapin.  Many of you may know him best for his song “Cats in the Cradle”.  However, did you know the song was written originally as a poem by his wife, Sandy? A popular version was also sung by Cat Stevens. Of all the music Harry wrote, this was his only number one hit.

Harry was more than a singer, songwriter and musician, he was also an author and playwright. And Harry was known to be quite the humanitarian – his band did a lot of work for World Hunger. One year they raised almost $800,000 for that worthy cause.

Harry died back on July 16, 1981. Yet his music lives on today. Harry was even inducted into the Long Island Music Hall of Fame on October 15, 2006. Continue Reading →