He Says, She Says… How to Be Santa Claus

Hello, Dear Reader:

Being Christmas eve and all, it seemed like an appropriate topic for today.  This ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post is going to be primarily a ‘He Says’, and it’s likely to be our last blog post of 2010, so I’ll add in a greeting from Marcia as well:  However you celebrate it, we wish a joyous Holiday season to you and to those near and dear to your heart.

When you look like me, a lot of kids call you Santa Claus.  I’m also very fortunate to have my own Mrs. Claus.  Being called Santa may be partly because of the white hair and beard, but I still remember one day over 15 years ago when I was standing at an ATM outside (in July) wearing a headband, sunglasses, denim jacket and jeans, and a girl passing by called out, “Look mom, it’s Santa Claus!” “No, I don’t think so.” was the reply.  “Yeah, it is!”  Mom was thinking ‘Hells Angels’ was more likely, but the little girl could see through the disguise.  I also remember the first time a little one, too young to talk, walked by with his dad in hand.  As they walked away the little one began saying, “Ho Ho Ho.  Ho Ho Ho…”  His dad didn’t know what he was going on about, but we did.

However, this isn’t a post about how to look like Santa Claus, it’s about how to be Santa Claus, no matter what you look like.  And that’s something anyone can do, no matter your faith or beliefs.  The ‘father’ of the modern day Santa Claus was St. Nicholas, a Grecian man who lived in Lycia in the 4th century.  Born to wealthy parents, they died when he was young and he was raised by his uncle.  As he grew up St. Nick was a pious man, and very generous with what he had.  He also encouraged his associates to be generous as well.  There are a number of stories about his life; this is one of my favourites… Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings

Well, seems Marcia’s mind is meandering all over the place today. However, my heart is focused on what we Islanders call the ‘mainland’ – the lower westernmost main land of the province of British Columbia, Canada. Living on Vancouver Island as I do – in Victoria at the southern tip – going to the mainland is a big event. There’s a fabulous 1 ½ hour ferry ride over the ocean and between the gorgeous and diverse smaller Gulf Islands of the Juan de Fuca Strait – the Salish Sea. The day is cool, bright and sunny. Perfect!

The highest joy of my day will be the time spent with my hubbie, sons, daughter-in-law and our 19 month old grandson. This is to be our family Christmas together. We have chosen not to exchange gifts – it is the time together that is important to us all. That time adds a richness to our lives that sustains us till our next gathering.

Though I am usually rather chatty here, this is all you’ll read from me today. Succinct. Love that word! Means concise and to the point. Short and snappy. Brief. Even pithy. Pithy, now there’s a word to use before the end of a year. Okay, so the wordsmith in me has risen!!!!!

Come join me here next week. I’ll be posting more meanderings through the 52 weeks of the new year.

Have a terrific last week of 2009, folks. Be good to yourselves in 2010. You are so very worth it!

In Light & Laughter & Love,


Telling Tales: An Early Christmas Schnoodle

Hi Folks:  The link for the following story showed up in my email Inbox today, and this being Christmas and all, it was too beautiful not to share.  It was written by Trevor Lautens and first appeared in the December 24th edition of the Winnipeg Free Press.

Love and hugs,

Continue Reading →

Poetry Corner

With Christmas just days away, today’s Poetry Corner honours three women who have written poems about this particular topic. I went straight to the top – the cream of the crop. These women you already know by name, but you may not be familiar with their seasonal writings.

Notable Women: Christmas

Elizabeth Barrett Browning (March 6, 1806–June 29, 1861)

The Holy Night

We sate among the stalls at Bethlehem;
The dumb kine from their fodder turning them,
Softened their horned faces
To almost human gazes
Toward the newly Born:
The simple shepherds from the star-lit brooks
Brought their visionary looks,
As yet in their astonied hearing rung
The strange sweet angel-tonge:
The magi of the East, in sandals worn,
Knelt reverent, sweeping round,
With long pale beards, their gifts upon the ground,
The incense, myrrh, and gold
These baby hands were impotent to hold:
So let all earthlies and celestials wait
Upon thy royal state.
Sleep, sleep, my kingly One!

Helen Keller (June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968)

The only real blind person at Christmas-time
is he who has not Christmas in his heart.

Louisa May Alcott (November 29, 1832 – March 6, 1888)
(better known for writing Little Women)

O the Beautiful Old Story

1. O the beautiful old story!
Of the little child that lay
In a manger on that morning,
When the stars sang in the day;
When the happy shepherds kneeling,
As before a holy shrine,
Bless’d God and the tender mother
For a life that was divine.

2. O the pleasant, peaceful story!
Of the Youth who grew so fair,
In His father’s humble dwelling
Poverty and toil to share,
Till around Him in the temple,
Marveling, the old men stood,
As through His wise innocency
Shone the meek boy’s angelhood.

3. O the wonderful, true story!
Of the messenger from God,
Who among the poor and lowly,
Bravely and devoutly trod,
Working miracles of mercy,
Preaching peace, rebuking strife,
Blessing all the little children,
Lifting up the dead to life.

4. O the sad and solemn story!
Of the cross, the crown, the spear,
Of the pardon, pain, and glory
That have made His Name so dear.
His example let us follow,
Fearless, faithful to the end,
Walking in the sacred footsteps
Of our Brother, Master, Friend.

Source: Carol 255, Rev. Charles L. Hutchins, Carols Old and Carols New (Boston: Parish Choir, 1916). Author is listed as “Louise May Alcott” in the original of this book.

He Says, She Says…

Hi Folks:

Andy Williams wrote:

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year
With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you “Be of good cheer”
It’s the most wonderful time of the year
It’s the hap-happiest season of all
With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings
When friends come to call
It’s the hap- happiest season of all…”

This time of year is a special one for many people.  It can also be a time of sadness and challenges.

Keeping that in mind, we thought we’d share our thoughts on ‘Christmas…’

Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View