Yes, Most Definitely!

Hello Dear Ones!

Once upon a time… a long long while ago…

Thinking it had been about 4 years since my last Marcia’s Meanderings, you can imagine my shock at discovering it has been 9 years… 9 very unique for all of us years…

Some of you reading today’s post will have read other of my writings. Many of you will be new to my work and words. Welcome to you all! Thank you for stopping by!

Since my intention today is to reestablish a brief daily connection, it will be just that… brief! And, as with everything I write, it will be heartfelt, positive and inspirational.

What has prompted me to connect with you in this fashion? Why today?

Every single morning, before I have my coffee or open my cell phone, I write. Referred to as ‘Morning Pages’ per Julia Cameron in her book ‘The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity’, this daily routine began for me on July 24th, 2019… before Covid-19. And the other day I returned to reading what I had written back then.

You might (or perhaps might not) imagine my response to my own words, experiences, emotions, growth…

During those readings I began to consider how others may relate to some of what I’ve been ~ not going through ~ but growing through.

Promising to keep these posts short, I’ll close for now and will write again tomorrow with some meaty material.

In Light and Laughter,


Interested in knowing more about the posts I tend to write? Check the link below for that last entry from February 2010.

Marcia’s Meanderings ~ Most Definitely!


Who am I? / Who I am!

Who would you be without your story?

~Byron Katie

Hello Dear Ones!

Something has been on my mind and in my heart of late that I wanted, and needed, to get down in print.

The past several days I have been contemplating two issues:
1. Who am I without my stories?
2. Who I am without my stories. Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings ~ Most Definitely!

Hello Dear Ones!

In a world where possibility and probability have become buzz words, where potential is highly praised yet expectation remains in question, where receiving product just on time rather than ahead of schedule is the norm ~ wouldn’t it be delicious to make room for: Most Definitely! Why Certainly! Absolutely!

Rather than building in contingencies for problems, limitations, setbacks and just-in-case scenarios ~ resulting in a greater probability of encountering them by the very matching of that same energy ~ how be we grow, develop and come to expect the very best of everyone, the power of teamwork, and the perfection of an idea, a dream ~ and live into its fulfillment by choice and by design!

In Light and Laughter,


A Year in the Life … revealed …

Hello Dear Ones!

Two years ago today, on the Sunday of Canada’s Victoria Day long weekend of 2009, I stepped onto the retreat grounds of Queenswood and an incredible journey began … leading me to write my first book:

A Year in the Life of a Bus-Traveling Poet

It has been – and is still – a magical journey, one in which you, Dear Reader, took an active role … as one of my dearest inspirations! That’s why I thought to stop by today to share this exciting news with you … my book has been published and is now available for sale!  You can check it out here: (paperback) or here: (Kindle version)

And, as a tantalizing little bonus for you, a glimpse of one of my very favourite sections: Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings: From Anger to Forgiveness of Self

Hello Dear Ones!

A friend has a deck of meditation cards. You shuffle them while considering a question you want answered or an issue or emotion you want clarified. Since yesterday’s decision to no longer wear the mask of anger (see my blog post Anger = Fear, Masked) I wanted to know where to step next – what direction to take to heal this issue further. The wording on the card was generally this:

“Forgiveness is for you and you alone.” Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings: Anger = Fear, Masked

Hello Dear Ones!

Interesting that last week Mike and I wrote about “When dreams do NOT come true” in our He says/She Says post. Here’s a direct link to my take on the topic … Marcia Says … Notice I talk about being angry.

The week before, tied in to a Hallowe’en theme, our joint topic was on the masks we wear. Today I’ve had a strong – very strong – inclination to connect the two: anger as a mask.

It’s easier to be angry than it is to be scared. Anger is familiar. It is within my control. I can mumble, grumble, explode, lash out, blame others and the Universe as much as I want.

Fear, on the other hand, leaves me feeling helpless, powerless, lacking in control, weak, vulnerable, even impotent.

Being angry I feel powerful, in control. Being afraid, I feel like a victim. Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings – Sunbeams & Sand Paintings

Hello Dear Ones!

Have you ever seen the newspaper comic “Hi & Lois“? The baby of the family, Trixie, ‘thinks’ thought balloons visible to the reader. The baby lets you know how very much she adores sunbeams: the magic of them, the marvel of them, the elusiveness of them …

I got thinking of Trixie and sunbeams the other day. On my way to work I pass through a delightful path bordered on both sides with cedar bushes. The sun was rising blazingly in the east and streaming through the cedars, imprinting light onto the paved walkway before me. I actually stopped to admire the patterns portrayed so erratically, so spontaneously. Incredible artwork. Yet as I stood there mesmerized by the awesomeness of the impressions, the patterns changed: subtly, but they changed and shifted like a slow-moving kaleidoscope. It was breathtaking to watch!

Due to time constraints, I was unable to stay and observe anything further, yet as I headed to catch my bus I had an AHA moment – the play of light through cedar and the resulting beauty could be glimpsed briefly – only briefly, before there was change. The light was elusive; the pattern, impermanent. Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings – Finding Balance

Hello Dear Ones!

For those of you who follow me regularly, you will likely have noticed my recent absence. I am in my second week back at working in a full-time job. My decision to take on this responsibility was based on perceived financial need. Its joyful benefits (such as the people I am privileged to work with and the customers) have proved to be a delightful blessing.

Blessing that it is in so very many ways, life with out-of-home work is proving to be a challenge for me. Counting in the eight hours on the job five days a week, plus the prep time (I am using an alarm-clock for the first time in almost a year), plus the transportation time (I travel one hour each way by bus) … adds up to a great deal of time. All of that is time away from my husband, from my writing, from my computer, and my Twitter family.

What I have been attempting to do the past two weeks is to regain balance within myself. Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings – Resistance is Futile?

Hello Dear Ones!

“Resistance is futile.” For those of you who are Star Trek TNG (The Next Generation) fans, you will recognize that phrase – known to be the famous line spoken by all the Borg before they assimilate your planet! The Borg are a mixed species of computer-enhanced humanoid beings who resonate to one common consciousness and pose the threat of extinction to every culture they encounter. Each member of the Borg collective do one thing at a time based on what is best for the entire collective in that moment.

I thought of the Borg when I read the following quote that popped up in my inbox the other day:

“Instead of creating expectations of what should or should not be happening, cooperate with the form that this moment takes. Bring a ‘yes’ to the is-ness, because it’s pointless to argue if it already is. A greater intelligence is available to you when you no longer reject, deny, or ‘don’t want’ what is.”

~ Eckhart Tolle

Frightening, you say, that I would compare a Tolle quote to the Borg phrase? Here’s why: when something is happening NOW … you have a cold sore, the children are screaming, your computer just crashed, you’re stuck in traffic … and there is nothing you can do about it in this specific moment … then resistance to each fact is futile. HOW you respond to each fact … well, that you DO have control over! That’s where the difference lies. No Borg would ever consider HOW to respond to anything … (tongue firmly planted in cheek!).

The cold-sore you can medicate. The kids can be hugged or easily distracted by something pleasant. You can remember that you just backed up your computer the day before and its only today’s work that might need some revision and likely the revision will be even better than what you were scrambling to put together today. You can put on that new meditation tape while you sit idling in traffic … As the Tolle quote indicates: “Bring a ‘yes’ to the is-ness” – make each and every moment a positive experience. Accepting what is before us, making the most of each and every NOW and loving it to its maximum potential reduces the resistance. In a less resistant state, we bring more joy and fulfillment to our moments, our days, our lives. There is always a better feeling thought or action that can and will enhance our moment. Often acceptance alone (rather than resistance) is all that is required. Breathe out a contented “YES” … and your is-ness, your NOW, will fill with amazing potential.

My $0.02 worth today.

In Light and Laughter,


Marcia’s Meanderings – Ah, to be a ‘stupid flower’!

Hello Dear Ones!

If you’ve been following my writings the past few weeks, this post will make immense sense. If you have not, may I suggest that you go back and read the following brief articles when you have time:

1.) A Crisis of Spirit
2.) Kicking & Screaming
3.) Insights from the Celestine Prophecy

The general gist of the above is about me going through a major spiritual crisis and the process of change and development that has since ensued in the weeks that followed. Yet another major life crisis arose this week resulting in a culmination of additional growth both emotionally and spiritually.

The past twelve years I have attempted to adopt a spiritual lifestyle more current with today’s new age phenomena (such as the Secret, the Law of Attraction, the counsel of Abraham, etc.). I have, however, recently realized that since the introduction of these newer philosophies, what I had innately lived all of my life – the magic and marvel of insights, inspirations and guided unfoldings – had begun absenting themselves more and more as I pursued these newer teachings.

With the additional crisis that arose this week, I have realized at my core that I no longer want to be responsible (the creator or co-creator) for the magic and unfolding of my life’s experiences. I do want to be a supportive and playful participant in all of the delicious and magical unfoldings as crafted by the Divine. Plain and simple. Continue Reading →