Hi Folks:
One of the (many) benefits of living in Victoria is that we have the beauty of Beacon Hill Park to enjoy year round. In addition to the many wildflowers, the wildlife, natural landscapes and gardens populated by flowers, shrubs and trees from around the world, the park is also home to about three dozen peafowl. The vivid displays of the peacocks are very popular with tourists and locals alike (not to mention, hopefully, the peahens), but many people are surprised to discover that peafowl can fly.
The image of the month for April is one Marcia captured with her new pocket camera. We trust you’ll enjoy it!
Okay, that’s it. Now go out and make some photographs!
Marcia and Mike.
What a lovely shot, I had a land-ladyette once who was kept by birds. I gave her Tom Turkey an apple core, with it in his beak he paced a circuit of the yard round and round, pursued by Guinea Fowl, Rooster, and Banty Hen with Peacock bringing up the rear, he could not gulp down his core or escape. Peacocks run funny to.
Thanks! And thanks for stopping by! You know Ben Franklin wanted the wild turkey to be the symbol of the United States. A peacock would make a nice emblem, but they\’re not native…