2024 Photo Calendars (part one)

Hi Folks:

This is the fourteenth year that we’ve made our photo calendar templates available, both for MS Word users (for those who don’t use graphics programs) and as .png files for those who do. As before we will be making our own calendar available in .pdf format for those who are interested, but (as we did last year) we’re doing the post in two parts. For our calendar we use images made in that month (i.e. the image for May 2024 was made in May 2023). Since we haven’t yet gotten to December our calendar isn’t yet complete, but we wanted to make the templates available so others can work on their own calendars. Continue Reading →

It’s Our Birthday!!

Hi Folks:

An image of the flamingo at Victoria Butterfly Gardens. The caption reads, "This is Your Day! Strut Your Stuff!!Well, it’s now been 14 (!!) years since our blog took its first breath; it continues to be quite the journey! The world is quite different from what it was back at the start of 2020, but we’re slowly finding our way back to each other. As Ram Dass said, “We’re all just walking each other home.”

Our blog has been somewhat quiet this year, but we currently have 697 blog posts and 154 pages on our site. The posts cover poetry, photography tutorials, our hugging adventures (88 countries and counting!) and Free Hugs chalk art (as well as various other musings); our pages include some of Marcia’s stories, some of Mike’s stories and free Adventures of Rainbow Mouse colouring pages to download and enjoy. We’ve shared some wonderful adventures with you through these and are looking forward to sharing more in the future! This blog is our gift to you, our readers, and we very much appreciate having you here with us. Feel free to drop by any time, check out Marcia’s books, download our colouring pages, read our stories, leave a comment or reach out, relax and enjoy yourself. We don’t have any birthday cake that we can share (this is the best we can do: 🎂), but we send you love.

Remember to hug someone you love today, even if it’s just screen to screen. You’ll both feel better for it! 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️


P.S. Extra special thanks to our son Nick, who does all of the techie stuff that keeps us afloat!! 🙂