We Have Huggers!!

Hi Folks:

If you follow our blog you’ll know that for some 11 years we took our FREE HUGS posters to downtown Victoria and shared hugs with thousands of locals and visitors from (at least) 88 countries. Sadly, we had to quit in March 2020, and we have yet to return. Someday… In the interim we continue to give out Hug Certificates and we have sent out a smattering of Free Hugs postcards. We also continue to share hugs with loved ones where we can… but yesterday we tried something new…

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Happy Mother’s Day!!

Garden Sculpture at HCPToday we celebrate the women in our lives. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms, grandmothers, step-moms, pet moms, soon-to-be-moms, want-to-be-moms, foster moms, adoptive moms, and to all the sisters, aunts, cousins, brothers, dads, uncles and community that support them.

“It takes a whole village to raise a child.” ~ from the Igbo and Yoruba people of Nigeria.


P.S. This lovely one was someone we met at Victoria’s Horticulture Centre of the Pacific a few years ago…

Capture One, Dehaze and Adding Definition to Landscape Images

Hi Folks:

It’s hard to believe I started this post last year… Eek!!

First of all, what follows isn’t originally my idea. I came across it in two videos, here. The first one explains more of the concept and the second one delves more into the practical application. I recommend watching both of them, either now or at your leisure. I can wait…

Enhancing Portraits with Dehaze in Capture One

Okay, what is my idea is taking this concept and applying it to landscape photography. In the end computers don’t really know, or care, what your subject matter is. A pixel is a pixel.

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