Hi Folks:
Today being 3-14, it’s the best day of the year to celebrate pi (π) and all things irrational. Since there are few things more irrational than a nice tender, flaky crust, what better way to celebrate than with pie!?!?
“Blueberry Pie” by leguico is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Both of us have some sensitivity, especially to white flour, and to that end we mostly use a gluten-free flour mix. It works well for making cakes and things, but for bread/pastry … not so much. We’ve tried. We have buckwheat flour for making waffles, but it also fails at making bread or pastry because there’s nothing to bind the dough together.
However, we recently discovered einkorn flour and all is well in our (pastry) world once again. You’ve probably never heard of it, and that’s okay. Einkorn is an ancient grain, with some estimates for cultivation going back 10-12000 years. It was likely the first cultivated plant. Einkorn is a form of wheat, but for those with gluten sensitivities it’s often a much better choice:
“It is a diploid, with 14 chromosomes, compared to 42 in modern wheat. The grain has higher protein than modern wheat and is considered more nutritious. There some evidence that einkorn contains a less toxic form of the gliadin protein, which may reduce the toxicity to consumers with gluten sensitivities.” (https://plantscience.psu.edu/research/projects/grains/heritage-grains/einkorn)
“Einkorn does contain gluten and has a higher percentage of protein than modern red wheats and is considered more nutritious because it also has higher levels of fat, phosphorus, potassium, pyridoxine, and beta-carotene.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einkorn_wheat)
Whether or not it will work for you is something you’ll have to discover for yourself, but we appreciate having it to use!
As far as a good pastry recipe, we refer you to the pastry recipe we posted back in 2012. Egads! Have we really been doing this for 10 years?!?! Talk about irrational!!
P.S. In honour of Pi Day we’re making Cast Iron Shepherd’s Pie. No crust, but very tasty!!
YUM and thanks! What clever and creative folks you are!
We had pie yesterday at Mom's Pies in Juiian, CA. S had pecan and I had strawberry rhubarb. It was one of those "eat dessert first" days, dinner was later in Borrego Springs and we drove home today in about 6 hours. My post today on the time change which of course is a myth writ large.
Thanks for stopping by our little corner of the ‘net!!
Turn your wheels this way and we’ ll be sure to put the kettle on. With advance notice we’ve been known to bake.
Yes, time is a fun concept to play with… ⏳
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