Hi Folks:
Last Sunday Twinkles and Krinkles decided it was time for their annual festive walkabout downtown. This is the sixth year in a row they’ve done this; their reasoning is that a lot of people lose their smiles this time of year and so Krinkles and Twinkles like to help people recover them. These energetic reindeer have huge hearts and they love nothing more than to share that with others.
We set off from our home in James Bay, and stopped first at Cora’s restaurant on Douglas Street for a fortifying breakfast. Twinkles and Krinkles were welcomed right in (our host has a soft spot for reindeer, especially around Christmas).
After breakfast we continued our journey through the downtown. We didn’t go into as many stores and places as we have in previous years, but that didn’t stop them from peeking into windows and smooshing their noses up against the glass!
Most of the people we met that day smiled and/ or waved back – children as well as adults (not all adults are grownups) – and this excited Krinkles and Twinkles no end! They love seeing the smiles on people’s faces… Even with masks on, you can tell by their eyes. There are always some people who look at them like they’ve never seen a 3-foot waving reindeer before (I know, “As if!” Right?) but Twinkles and Krinkles don’t mind. They’re too full of holiday cheer to let anything get them down.
While at the Bay Centre we wandered all of the floors, checking out the Winter Wonderland on the lowest floor and the Festival of Trees on the higher levels. So much creativity there (and scads of teddy bears with whom to share smiles!!)
We walked about 10 km that day from our place through downtown and back home. We met so many wonderful people and helped more than a few to rediscover their smiles. Our last official stop for the day before heading home was at the Homecoming Statue at Ship Point. There we dropped in to say hi to Captain John Mason:
before visiting our Hugging Tree.
It’s amazing how much our tree has grown! Yes, it is exactly the same spot and the same tree in both images!
We’ve been feeding our tree with hugs and stories for 11 years now. Unfortunately (while we continue to stop by when we can), we haven’t been out hugging since March. Hopefully we’ll be able to resume in 2021. In the meantime, we’re so glad Krinkles and Twinkles let us accompany them on their outing. And thanks to all the people who made our day so special!