Photo of the Month – October in Florida

Hi Folks:

We have more than one image for our photo of the month for October, for two reasons. First and foremost, Marcia was able to join her dad and her siblings in Florida, an event that has been a long time in coming. Second, we’re experimenting with using the NextGEN gallery plugin as a way of showcasing images on our blog. This is our first attempt, so be gentle!

All of these images were captured using Marcia’s cell phone, then pushed around a bit in Lightroom. Overall the family had beautiful weather while they were there, but there was a storm over the ocean on their first day. The second image shows a Cormorant sitting on a piling, the third shows a classic-looking landmark that only recently re-opened, and the fourth shows a typical Daytona Beach sunrise while they were there, with someone on the beach to enjoy it.

Okay, that’s it. Now go out and make some pictures!


4 Replies to “Photo of the Month – October in Florida”

  1. dundot

    I don't know..I got this quite expensive camera and I lug the dam thing around all day long and don't get half as good a shot as you with your wee cell phone ..what'z your secret lassie..Hope you enjoyed your time in the sun..


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