Hi Folks: This post also started life as a response to a question asked by a friend, and when it got to a couple of thousand characters I thought I should add some images and post it here. This topic has been covered before by others and to some extent by us. As a prerequisite to this, if you don’t understand what parametric editing is I encourage you to read this first: Lightroom History, Snapshots and Virtual Copies. The basic Lightroom workflow is to import images (associate the image file locations with Lightroom), change the images (by adding metadata, raw conversion, post processing, etc.) and then export the images. Exporting can be done via prints (either to paper or to print as jpg), books, slideshows, web galleries, uploading to publish services (Flickr, Smugmug and the like) or by saving the image(s) as new files. Each of those is worth a blog post in itself; this one is focused on exporting images from Lightroom as files using the Export window. One of the advantages of Lightroom is that multiple images can be exported in one batch, although if one is exporting a lot of images it’s best to break the export process into two halves; this uses Lightroom’s memory allocation more efficiently.
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Month: February 2014
Uploading Phone/ Tablet Images to Lightroom
Hi Folks:
This post arose out of an answer I tapped out on my phone this morning in response to a question from another Twitter user. When I got to 2800 characters I thought maybe I should post it here as well. The question was, “What’s the easiest/simplest way to upload images from my phone to Lightroom?” I should start by saying I have an Android phone and a Windows computer, but I’m reasonably certain Macs work about the same way.
I’ve found the easiest way to move images from my phone to Lightroom is to use a cloud service. There are several, but the two with which I’m familiar are Copy and Dropbox. I mostly use Copy; Marcia uses Dropbox. What you do is this:
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