Photo of the Month – Discoveries

Hi Folks:

April’s ‘Photo of the Month’ is a little late, but bear with me…  Although I do have a bus pass, I also walk around town – a lot – and in the process I’m always making new discoveries.  A couple of weeks ago I was walking around the Fairfield area when I saw a faded beauty partially protected by an overhang… looked to have been there a long time (30+ years, anyway).  It was something I’d never seen before, but a little research confirmed a 1952 Humber Super Snipe.  For all you non-biologist types, a snipe is a small woodland bird (its use for Quidditch was replaced by the golden snitch in Harry Potter fame but that’s another story).

I’m not a fan of over-processed HDR, but used with finesse I think HDR can do very well.  The image below was made from nine original images, shot hand-held and combined into three composites in Autopano Pro.  The resulting composites were polished up using HDR Efex Pro, and then the final triptych was produced using Lightroom.

Anyway, here she is:

1952 Humber Super Snipe

A beautiful car in its time; a little faded now, but it would certainly be possible to return her to glory.

Now go out and make some pictures!!


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